Forthcoming Conferences
The EADH organises annual conferences, each of them taking place in different host European countries.
EADH conference, 2022
'War, Peace & Politics in Dance'
Friday 28th to Sunday 30th October 2022
At the BBO-British Ballet Organization, Battersea, London
& online

In unsettled times marked by conflicts and threats, the conference proposes a reflection on how politics, war and peace have affected and/or have been represented in dance throughout history.
How have battles, villains and heroes been portrayed in dance?
How have politics and war affected artists and/or the creative output?
Potential lines of enquiry might include (but are not restricted to) the following topics:
Depicting heroes, villains and battle scenes in ballets
Adopting or adapting a choreographic vocabulary to depict war and peace
Dancers displaced by war and conflict
Dance in the Cold War
Troubled psyches: internal conflicts externalized in movement
A battle of egos: backstage quarrels
Dance as a political weapon in the Grand Siecle and in English Restoration
Dance as a military training exercise
Folk and traditional battle dances
Dances celebrating peace or marking the end of a battle
The conference will have a hybrid format, both online and presential (London). Collaborators attending online might wish to submit a pre-recorded video presentation and/or join live online/presential sessions.
We welcome submissions for the presentation of papers or posters (the latter particularly from undergraduate and postgraduate students), demonstrations and workshops. Although priority will be given to papers that focus on the theme, we still welcome papers in any area of dance history, and shall dedicate one conference session to ´general topics´.
Please note that all speakers must be an active EADH member. Students presenting posters must have an EADH student membership.
Please send proposals of about 200 words to by Sunday, 21st August 2022, stating preferences (online or presential) and any technical requirement.
If live demonstration is a significant part of your paper, please indicate this for planning purposes.