Previous Issues
Choreologica, the journal of the European Association for Dance History, aims to provide a forum for historical and theoretical explorations of dance histories and practices. These may include analyses of individual works or investigations, whether they may be monographic, contextual or interdisciplinary. Submissions may address topics ranging from past dance practices to contemporary themes.
Following our new resolution, all past and future issues of Choreologica will be made fully accessible to the general public, no longer requiring a membership for access.
We will gradually make each single paper available for individual download and provide a search facility for easily locating papers by author or keyword. Until that is fully functional, please browse through the list of past issues, and download/save the whole volume to access the desired paper.

Vol. 11, no. 1 - Winter/Spring 2021
Susan Hamlin, 'Les Indes Galantes, an Opéra-Ballet Rediscovered: Les Sauvages on the French Stage'
Madeleine Inglehearn, 'The Prince and the Dancing Master'
Ricardo Barros, 'From the "Terreiro" to the "Paço": The extraordinary journey of the ‘Lundú’ over the centuries, continents and social strata'
Catarina Costa e Silva, 'Corremo, sartamo, bolimo cos pé... dance elements in 17th century polyphonic repertory of Santa Cruz
de Coimbra' -
Tiziana Leucci, 'The 16th century Portuguese travel accounts on the origin of the Indian dancer character of the "Bayadère" in
the European literary and stage productions' -
Geoffrey Withlock, Report on the 2019 EADH Conference held in Porto
Sheila Dickie, Tribute to John Travis

Vol. 10, no. 1 - Autumn/
Winter 2019
Ricardo Barros, 'Apollon: disheartened hero or afflicted god?'
Béatrice Pfister, 'Noverre’s and Angiolini’s pantomime ballets: the theoretical implications of the choice of ballet subjects'
Susan Hamlin, 'Loie Fuller, the American Dream made in France'
Uta Dorothea Sauer, 'Countess Maria Aurora von Königsmarck as poet and dancer at the court of Dresden'
Natália de Mira Braga Corrêa, ”Methods of the Classical Ballet: History and Consolidation” by Caroline Konzen Castro
Madeleine Inglehearn, Concert – Festival of Baroque Music – St John’s Smith Square 11 May 2019
Geoffrey Withlock, Report on the 2018 EADH Conference held in London

Vol. 9, no. 1 - Summer 2018
Christine Bayle, 'Musical and choreographic questions 1550-1625'
Mojca Gal, 'Searching "Je ne sçay-quoy" '
Marie-Hélène Delavaud-Roux, 'Jean-Georges Nouverre's ballets inspired by ancient Greece'
Françoise Dartois Lapeyre, 'Connections between music and dance in Noverre's Ballets-Pantomimes 1776-1781'
Helen Linkenbagh, 'Latching to music: the role of applied musical knowledge in classical ballet teaching'
Caroline Konzen Castro, 'Gret Palucca: dance, music and pedagogy'
Clare Lidbury, 'Rudolf Laban and Kurt Jooss: the good, the bad, and the very (un)fortunate'
Madeleine Inglehearn, Report on the 2017 EADH Conference held in Dresden
Geoffrey Whitlock, Tribute to Giannandrea Poesio
Keith Cavers, Tribute to Ivor Guest

Vol. 8, no. 1 - Winter 2016/Spring 2017 Contents:
Mary Collins, 'Who said elephants can't dance?'
Matthew Werley, 'Grete Wiesenthal's 'latent' choreographies and Modernism's contested spaces: Modern dance in Vienna, 1906-08'
Matthew Spring, 'Beyond the choreography - Social dance in context in Georgian Bath'
Ricardo Barros and Nicolette Moonen, 'Quarelling brothers: The establishment of the Académie Royale de Danse and changes in dance teaching'
Carola Finkel, 'La princesse de Darmstadt - history and analysis of an early eighteenth century stage choreography'
Madeleine Inglehearn, Report on the EADH Conference held in Prague

Vol. 7, no. 1 - Autumn 2014
Ricardo Barros, 'European roots of Brazilian Carnival parade'
Françoise Dartois-Lapeyre, 'Don Juan dans le Ballet pantomime de Gluck et Angiolini', part II
José Sasportes, 'Trois Orphées'
Stephanie Schroedter, 'Ballet, Opera and social dance: Facets of a vivid exchange'
Robert F. Waters, 'Through the looking glass: The relationship between music and dance in Philip Glass's Einstein on the Beach'

Vol. 6, no. 1 - Winter 2013
Dominika Hens, 'Trisha Brown's choreographic staging of Rameau's Pygmalion'
Susanna Avanzini, 'Orpheus und Eurydike according to Bausch / Gluck'
Françoise Dartois-Lapeyre, 'Les relations de la danse avec la musique au siècle des lumières: point de vue des maîtres de ballet français'
Sophia Preston, 'Mark Morris and Lou Harrison, "trans-ethnicism" and "elastic form"'
Marie Louise Crawley, 'Musicalising the gesture'
Helen Julia Minors, 'Soundpainting: navigating creativity'
Elo Masing, 'Movement in Sound / Sound in Movement'

Vol. 4, no. 1 - Winter 2008/Spring 2009
Sarah McCleave, 'Sources for understanding Sallé's Pigmalion'
Madeleine Inglehearn, 'Dramas at Drury Lane'
Elena Grillo, '"Dove sono I bei momenti" - The eclipse-ellipsis of love in the Italian Ballo Grande'
Mike Dixon, 'Evenings on Olympus', part I
Book and DVD reviews

Vol. 3, no. 1 - Winter 2007/Spring 2008
Françoise Dartois-Lapeyre, 'Une Pionnière en Histoire de la danse, Germaine Prudhommeau'
Anne Bloomfield, 'Past inspirations and future practices - ways forward teaching historical dance in the primary school'
Alexandra Carter, with Simon Dorling, 'Historiography and her story: the reminiscences of Cara Tranders, a Victorian ballet girl, 1895'
Toby Bennett, 'A rich and varied palette: artistic choices and changes in the teaching of ballet'

Vol. 2, no. 1 - Autumn 2006
Colin Counsell, 'From Psyche to Soma: Laban, "Effort" and the Industrialisation of Expression'
Victoria O'Brien, 'The Abbey School of Ballet (part 3)'
Elena Grillo, 'Pepita and Vita'
Astrid Bernkopf, 'Dramaturgy of Desire: An analytical approach to dance narratives'

Vol. 1, no. 1 - Summer 2005
Victoria O'Brien, 'The Abbey School of Ballet (part 2)'
Lisa Fusillo, 'Massine's Le Tricorne - The Russian-Spanish Collaboration'
Gabor Kovacs, 'Dance connections between Spain and the Austrian Habsburgs'
Ricardo Barros, 'Considerations regarding the application of Rhetoric and the Theory of the Passions onto 17th & 18th century dance and music compositions
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